
SIPA in 2011

SIPA was founded in 1999 and in 2011 is introducing social networking to our arsenal to raise awareness for investors to help them avoid losing their savings and investments. For a start investors should not fall for unrealistic offers of excessive gains on investments. First check to see if the individual is registered with the rgeulators. If he is not, the risks are high that you will be defrauded. Visit

It's your money. Protect it while you have it!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Small Investor Protection Association New Web Address

The Small Investor Protection Association (SIPA) has a new website address Last week the new address was activated but visitors to will be re-directed to the new website.

There are a few changes including the addition of a webpage on Income Trusts to make investors aware of the risks associated with these products. It includes a number of media articles and comments dating back to 2003, as well as warnings regarding the risks of business income trusts.

The Income Trust issue is not new. It has received media prominence because of Goodale's comments. This should prove beneficial for investors long term provided they do not have all of their money in some of the worst and get caught in the downdraft.

Visit and click on Income Trusts on the home page.

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