
SIPA in 2011

SIPA was founded in 1999 and in 2011 is introducing social networking to our arsenal to raise awareness for investors to help them avoid losing their savings and investments. For a start investors should not fall for unrealistic offers of excessive gains on investments. First check to see if the individual is registered with the rgeulators. If he is not, the risks are high that you will be defrauded. Visit

It's your money. Protect it while you have it!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Calgary man charged in land fraud involving Olympians

The Calgary Herald reports that Olympians were defrauded in Calgary. Ten victims and $500,000. Is Canada to be known to the rest of the world as the land of fraud? Of course this is not special treatment for Olympians. Canadians are being defrauded every day across the country. There is so much of it that it is hardly news anymore.

The good news is that the police have acted quickly. Police forces across the country must ne encouraged and supported to deal quickly with white collar crime. The impact on victims can be devastating.

Now the courts need to also move quickly and ensure that the perpetrators are properly punished and required to pay full restitution.

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